Monday, November 20, 2006

Ah, so many things to occupy one's time...

My final exam has been approved. All going well, I'll give an account of what I believe before our classis (presbytery if you prefer) on March 16, 2007. If I pass, I'll be ordained as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of Australia some time afterwards. Practically, it doesn't mean much - I'll continue to serve the same congregation in the same work under the same contract. But it does mean that I'll have finally completed the path that was begun ten years ago, with a trip to Geelong to begin studying at the Reformed Theological College. And it gives me a better hope of continued service beyond whatever length of time I serve Cobden. So now I need to brush up on my Church History, Symbolics (Creeds and Confessions), Church Polity and so on. Some can't be done until the texts/areas are set.

Started reading "I don't have enough faith to be an atheist", by Normal Geisler and Frank Turek. Very good. I'm only up to page 77, but already I want to buy a ton of copies and send them to everyone I know. Whether you're a Christian or not, you should read this book. It will make you think, and perhaps laugh as well (at some of the funny logic we sometimes have).

The weather in Cobden is heating up. At least it's not Brisbane, where you get heat plus humidity. Well, not often like Brisbane :).

Suspend2-wise, I'm plodding along. Slowly working on bug fixes and cleanups, but it's very definitely low in the priorities at the mo, as is Beryl. Rightly so of course - what I'm paid to do has to come first. Which reminds me - must do some Redhat work this week.


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